If your game was originally an ISO, you will need to rebuild the ISO with GenPS3ISO (also bundled with AldosTools). You will need to launch the game and press the PS button and exit to force the system to recognize the new PARAM.SFO. Save the file, and upload it back on to your console.Underneath that checkbox, there are three different compression options if the game does not work with one, try this process again using a different option. Check the box next to 'PSP Remote Play'.Run PARAM SFO Editor and drag and drop your PARAM.SFO into the main window.Make a copy of the PARAM.SFO to keep as a backup.If your game is an ISO, copy the ISO to your PC and extract it to be in folder layout. Use an FTP session to navigate to /dev_hdd0/GAMES//PS3_GAME, and transfer PARAM.SFO to your PC.If you find a game that does or doesn't work, please add it there. PS2 Classic games are not supported.Ī compatibility list can be found here. This process can also be done using an ODE. It is recommended to use the Wireless LAN option for Remote Play to avoid connecting to PSN with your custom firmware console. With custom firmware on your PS3, you can force any game to use Remote Play even if it's not officially supported. Remote Play is a standard PS3 feature that allows you to play PSX/PS2/PS3 games using a PSP or PS Vita.